There are five different insurance groups associated with online car insurance that are considered the best in terms of pricing and coverage. While there are definitely smaller insurance companies that are worth looking at for slightly higher rates in exchange for a more personalized experience, these five providers offer the most comprehensible coverage with online tools for quickly getting a quote.Top 5 Car Insurance Providers

Some of these companies are all-in-one insurance providers for property and life in addition to auto packages. Others are exclusively auto insurance providers and have built their reputation on fair coverage.

Here are five best choices for finding car insurance quotes online:

Top Online Car Insurance Providers


Progressive is an all-in-one insurance provider that automatically applies discounts to your auto policy whenever they become available in your region or you when qualify. There is a $50 discount when you sign up with Progressive online and their quotes algorithm gives you the option of naming your price range and having the system show you their closest matching package. They also provide a forgiveness policy that gets applied to drivers with three consecutive years without an auto accident. This means that any driver who has a clean record for three straight years will not have their insurance rates go up due to an accident regardless of who was at fault.

Like many all-in-one insurance companies, you also get discounts for simply owning a home and even more when you combine both your property and auto policies. For even more savings, Progressive allows you to purchase your entire auto policy at once.

Getting an online car insurance quote is as simple as entering your information and receiving a personalized price right away. Progressive also stores your quote for later use should you decided to compare numbers. As an online insurance company, you can purchase auto coverage 24/7 with a separate option to talk to a local agent for more specialized quotes or discounts.


GEICO is known primarily for their auto insurance policies stemming from their famous “15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on car insurance” slogan. Simply answering questions about yourself, other drivers, and your vehicle will generate a personalized auto insurance quote for you on their website. If you’re unsure of what type of car insurance you need, GEICO offers 24/7 telephone support so you can talk to an agent.

Aside from their traditional gecko mascot, they’ve also used a caveman to demonstrate how easy the GEICO website is for new and returning customers to search for insurance quotes, make payments, or apply for additional coverage.
GEICO’s website provides an easy-to-digest broad explanation of the different types of car insurance available to drivers with the option to combine policies depending on the requirements of other parties. As an online auto insurance company, you can make payments through their website. This includes automatic monthly payments, online payments, payments through phone, and traditional checks or money orders.


Allstate is the second largest insurance group in America and provides coverage for everything from property to identity theft. As an auto insurance provider, Allstate provides multiple tiers of coverage depending on your specific needs. For the higher end packages, you’re given special discounts that include a check for up to 5% of your auto insurance coverage for every six months of accident free driving, deductible rewards, and even a car replacement policy if you destroy your car within three of its model years.

Allstate’s website is set up to provide car insurance quotes when you agree to provide information about yourself and your vehicle. However, some users may find navigating through the second largest insurance group’s website a little difficult.

Liberty Mutual Group

Liberty Mutual is the third largest insurance company in the United States according to yearly revenue and it’s one of the top five because their online auto policies have different packages depending on whether you’re an accident free driver, a student driver, or a senior driver. You get coverage for accidents to your vehicle as well as some medical payments to you or your passenger(s) in car collisions.

Liberty Mutual offers after-hours but not 24/7 telephone service for any questions related to insurance quotes and they allow you to complete most transactions online. Like many other auto insurance companies, there is an accident forgiveness policy in addition to a guarantee of rates for 12 months without any change. There is also an optional unlimited rental car service that gives you a free rental car for as long as your vehicle is in one of their approved repair shops.

State Farm Insurance

State Farm is arguably the largest auto insurance company in North America because it serves both American and Canadian customers. They’re also an all-in-one insurance group that provides everything from property to life insurance in addition to robust online auto services. State Farm provides medical coverage for people who have been injured in not at fault accidents and covers some funeral expenses. They also offer a pretty comprehensible list of natural damage causes such as fire, wind, water, and even animal collisions.

State Farm also provides paid for car rental service while your vehicle is in the repair shop as well as emergency roadside assistance. On their online website, you can easily find a quote by inputting some details about yourself or talk to a live agent during business hours.

Should I Get an Insurance Quote Online?

When it comes to getting quotes from one or more of the top five car insurance providers, it makes sense to do it online. These days it is so easy to get a quote from these companies online, and it allows you to compare what each has to offer.

You enter basically the same info on each site, or enter it once at one of the all-inclusive quote sites that provides a rate from three or more providers at once. Then you can pick the one that works for you and deal directly with the company. It’s quite simple. Give it a try and see!